Thursday, April 5, 2012

Beach Fun!

We really loved seeing blue skies! It was nice to get outside and enjoy the beach.
My friend, Cassie, burying Elijah in the sand.  With these two photos I had fun playing around with color edits. Fun, fun! 
My friend, Cassie, with her daughter buried in the sand! 
All of the kids wanted a turn being buried! :)
I love the fluffy clouds above her head. 


  1. what program do you use to edit your photos? I have a few and have not been able to master the black and white with the little color areas (like bria and the egg)with them and I was wondering if you had a simpler program?

  2. I use The Print Shop Deluxe. It has a lot of picture edit options. However, one day I want to get Photoshop. :)
